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Mission & 5 Year Plan

Our CSD456 strategic 5 year plan:

  • Ensure Equity and Excellence for all District 456 students
  • Focus on Early Literacy so that students will read on grade level by the end of the 2nd grade and 8th grade
  • Sustain student attendance rate at 90% and above
  • Reduce the percent of students at level one and increase the percentage of students achieving proficiency


Our Vision:

  • To build a system of support that helps educators provide productive instructional strategies both academic and behavioral, for students with various needs.
  • To ensure all learners are valued, invested, and can experience success.
  • Reimaging what teaching and learning will look like to support and accelerate learning for every student.
  • Ensuring that every student has the opportunity for a high-quality academic experience.
  • Strengthen core instruction across our 36 schools, improving literacy and mathematics across all grades for all students.
  • Investing in and developing high-quality educators
  • Increasing student access by addressing learning barriers, investing in special education and providing support for multilingual learners and their families.

discover csd 456

What Really Sets Us Apart

Discover what makes District 456 a vibrant and inclusive community. Watch our story and see how we empower students, families, and educators to thrive.

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