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D456 Parent Coordinators

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The Role of a

Parent Coordinator

The Parent Coordinator is part of the administrative team working under the supervision of the principal.  The Parent Coordinator will engage with and involve parents in the school community by working with the principal, school staff, school leadership team, parent associations, community groups and parent advisory councils to engage families and involved them in school communities.
Primary responsibilities include the following:

  • Creating a welcoming environment for parents
  • Support your principal to address parents' questions and concerns.
  • Conducting outreach to engage parents in their children's education
  • Increase Parent Involvement in the school through outreach
  • Support Parents Associations PA/PTA/PTSA

Principal Checklist

for Parent Coordinators

Becoming familiar with the following resources and requirements will help ensure your parent coordinator has all the information to support your school’s family engagement work.
Make sure your parent coordinator (PC)
Checks DOE-issued Email
Parent coordinators often use personal or school based emails. Make sure they use their DOE email (@schools.nyc.gov) for information from FACE, other DOE departments or City agencies.
Signs up for the Parent Coordinator Community Website
Parent coordinators have their own community website with excellent resources, including a discussion forum and event information. PCs can login using their DOE email (@schools.nyc.gov - required) and the code: PCNYC1025.
Registers for PC Professional Development Opportunities
Parent coordinator professional developments are announced in the PC newsletter and the PC community website.
Maintains Current Information on Parent Leaders
The School Parent Leader Contact Information system is where your school must maintain information on elected parent leaders.
The following are key compliance deadlines:

  • Submit Election Results: October 31
  • Submit SLT Information: October 31
  • Hold Annual Title I Parent Meeting: conduct September 18–November 16
  • Conduct PA/PTA Elections: September 28

Shares PA/PTA and SLT Information
Parent coordinators should encourage parents to participate in their PA/PTA and run for office. To help families learn more about these groups, please have them refer to the Parent Association/ Parent Teacher Association (PA/PTAs) web page and School Leadership Teams (SLTs) web page). For additional resources, visit this page.
Submits monthly Parent Coordinator Activity Reports (PCAR)
Data from the DOE’s Parent Coordinator Activity Reports is published in the annual Mayor’s Management Report as a measure of parent engagement in our schools. Reports are due monthly, by the 15th of the following month. Principals and parent coordinators automatically have access to the portal. Other staff members can be designated in Galaxy to input the Parent-Teacher Conference attendance as outlined in this memo.
Makes Achieve NYC Available to All Parents
The 2018–2019 Achieve NYC is a comprehensive parent guide that is available in 10 languages and should be distributed at the beginning and throughout the school year.
Has Access to a Cellphone or BlackBerry
For information on parent coordinator cellphones, including how to obtain new or replacement cellphones, review this memo or contact DOESMS@schools.nyc.gov.
Have more questions? Email FACE@schools.nyc.gov or call (212) 374-4118

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